21 August 2015

i should tell you: laura lee

Well hello there and welcome to volume eighteen of I Should Tell You, where I ask cool musicians questions about food, pretty much to see if they'll answer me, really, but also because the results are usually interesting as. The same three questions every time, with the likes of Anika Moa, Coco Solid and The Phoenix Foundation giving me their food thoughts - and this time I'm talking to the boo Laura Lee.

Laura Lee is one of those charming babes you might come across in life where you're all like, "hey babydoll, hey bae, hey honeybee" even though you barely know them, because you just end up falling into that kind of familiarity with them right away. We originally bonded over a bunch of stuff (including using the adjective "dreamburgers" to describe a young Leonardo DiCaprio) and I have been a huge fan of her music in all its iterations. She was part of O'Lovely, whose album Constellations had me swooning from the first moment I heard the single Bright Lights - but now she's on her own as Laura Lee.

Little Too Late is her first single which she recently released and it's gorgeous, with that dreamy, sad-yet-upbeat pop vibe that I love. Can't wait to see what she comes out with next...

Thanks Laura! The interview will start...now.

Where's somewhere you've eaten that you kinda like to brag about or drop into conversation?

I can't think of anywhere that I like to brag about but there is someone.. When I've got some spare time in the day I head down to my local cafe called Sam Barnes, there's a baker there who I've now become friends with (not just for her cakes.)

I went in there one day and asked about their birthday cake options, I explained to her that I don't have a sweet tooth and she made me a mixed berry cheese cake. It's one of the best things I've ever tasted. I don't usually get excited about cakes but she's changed me! She's truly an artist. Ever since she made me my birthday cake I brag about her to anyone that is needing cakes or catering because her cakes are like nothing I've ever tasted. 

What do you fix for yourself, or where do you go to eat, when it's just you on your own?

I'm obsessed with popcorn. I started making it everyday after school when I was about 13, at first I think my mum was hoping it was a fad as I'd get home and stink the house out every day, I also like to cook it to the point where it almost starts to burn, at first I didn't know what I was doing so I burnt a couple of pots.... 

These days I don't cook it daily but any excuse to make it and I'll do it. I like to experiment with different flavours. When I was in Melbourne I went through a faze of cooking it in coconut oil with Turmeric and Salt and Pepper. Tonight I made it with honey and salt... I also have to say I'm obsessed with dates, they're right up there with popcorn!! 

What's one of your favourite food-related memories from your childhood?

When ever I see hundreds and thousands it reminds me of being a child, I have flashbacks of going to birthday parties and eating fairy bread. Hundreds and Thousands biscuits have the same affect. They were my favourite  biscuits as a child and probably still are.

The smell of dill is my other strong food-related memories, mum used to put it in rice as it cooked and the whole house would smell amazing. I do it now and then, it's also tasty cooled with a squeeze of lemon juice mixed though. It makes the rice taste just lovely!

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